Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Lets lose weight and gain weight again in a blink
Lets bake cookies and cake for friends
Pas balik bercuti kat kg and nak start keje ni, harus la nak bawak buah tangan sikit untuk kawan2 kat office kan, walau pun aku tinggal lagi berape hari je kat company ni, tapi rase tak best plak blah ngan tangan kosong je. Nak bawak je biskut2 raya yang ade tak cukup la plak, sebab aku dah distribute bawak balik kg semua, yang tinggal kat kl ni sikit banget. Laki aku pun nak gak bawak ke office dia kan. Lantas last Saturday aku dengan rela hatinye membuat projek masak2. Aku buat marble kek (yang tak berape cantik marblenye) dan chocolate chip cookies (yang patut ditukar nama kepada nipple cookies)…
projek cookies ni separuh buat hari sabtu, pastu balance simpan lam peti ais sebab aku nak g beraye..hehehe....the next day sambung balik sampai habis, pagi dah habis dah sebab petang ahad aku nak g beraya lagi...hehehe...ade pun aku sangat la feel nak beraye sekarang ni. Sangat tau, nescaya sape2 yang buat open house harus aku pegi, sebab tu berat aku yang turun mase puasa hari tu dah naik balik..Waaaaaa
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Lets Celebrate Hari Raya Aidil Fitri
Tahun ni aku beraya kat muar. Pagi2 raya kul 5 pagi kami bertiga gerak dari Ipoh ke Muar, sangat memenatkan tapi sangat thrilling sebab buat pertama kalinya dalam hidup aku, aku travel di pagi2 raya. Alhamdulillah jalan raya langsung tak jam, dari Ipoh ke Muar jalan smooth sajork. Sampai Muar kul 10 pagi. Kitorang pun bersiap2 la melaram ngan baju memasing. Tradisinye, pagi raye lepas semua dah balik dari semayang raye, kami akan makan sama2, pastu berampun-ampunan then gerak kerumah atuk nenek( dekat jek dari rumah aku). Tapi this year semuanye delay sebab diorang tunggu aku sampai, pastu diorang tunggu akak aku sampai, pastu kitorang tunggu mertua akak aku nak datang beraya. By the time habis semua dah kul 1.30pm ( selalunye kul 10pg dah sampai rumah atuk)...Tapi tak kesah, yang penting semua orang ade, dan sebelum ke rumah atuk kitorang bergambar sakan...hehehe
Nak tau cerita sadis, boleh la plak dihari yang mulia ini aku tertinggal charger camera aku, bukan kat rumah ye, tapi kat office...sangat hampeh okeys...jadi tak banyak la gambar yang boleh aku tayang, gambar yang ade ni di ambil oleh bapak den...nasib baik ade..
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Lets stop thinking about raye for a sec....can't !!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Lets bake some cookies
Lets eat Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, yum yum......
Friday, September 11, 2009
Lets talk about things that rarely happen
I was being interviewed by phone from this Australian company (the caller speaks very thick Australian accent) and I did terrible because I was totally not prepared to be interviewed. I thought she want to set a date for interview so when she suddenly ask me about my work experience and if I ‘m familiar with internet I was so blur and end-up talking rubbish and nonsense (even though I use internet everyday and I’m a super googlelista,hehe). So at the end she said she will call me back to set a date next week (which is this week and today is already Friday) but she didn’t call which mean I did badly @ I suck.
I was soooo into beading lately that I will really look closely to any beads work that I saw and really envy their creation and really try to memories the design so that I can try to do it after. So yesterday I was being smart, I bring my camera out so that if I saw any pretty beads design I can just take some photo’s and use as reference later. What happen is, my friend and I went to this boutique, she was looking for baju raye while I was mesmerize by all the beautifully done beads work ( memang sangat cantik dan halus ye…kagum gila) so as we went out ( she didn’t buy anything) I snap some of the baju kurung with beading design on the display. As I was walk away the owner came out from the boutique and “sound” at me, she said that I’m not suppose to take those photo’s because she paid for those design ( kan dah kene sound, suka2 hati je ambik gambo kat kedai orang). Moral of the story, no need to bring my camera to search for pretty beadswork, just google from internet, hehehe. Kecoh je akak tu, orang yang letak kat internet tu takde kesah pon tayang hasil keje diorang, macam la aku curik baju dia. Aku buat contoh jek, t upon tak tentu aku boleh buat sebijik cam dia punye. Benci tau.
I plan to make at least 5 types of “kuih raya” this year, but until today I have made 0..hehe…Before this I always, ALWAYS manage to make some cookies for hari raya, but this year I haven’t start any cookies project and next week is already RAYA. Bila nak start ni? Before this, I even make cookies on normal days (bukan hari raya la) just so that I can snack on some cookies while watcing friends because I always crave for cookies when I saw any of them eating cookies while “melepak” at Central Perk, hehehe……So this weekend I really have to start my cookies project or else I have to buy some and I really don’t wanna do that ( because my husband is really cerewet) because this coming weekend is the last weekend before raya and if I don’t start by then, I don’t have anymore time to do it. So, good luck to me. Berape agaknye aku mampu buat dalam masa 2 hari? Harus akak penat gile kalau nak pulun buat sampai 5, wakakaka…
This year we will go back to Muar on first day of raya. First raya yer…and this never happens before. Before this first raye will always be in Ipoh because my husband have to cook the dishes for his family ( because his mother already past away like 8 years ago, and he is the only person in his family who can cook). But this year he said that we can go back to Muar, but after he finish cooking in Ipoh. Meaning on raya eve, at 4.00am we will start our long journey from Muar to Ipoh. I have no problem with that because I really wanna celebrate raye with my family and I thought it’s really thrilling..hehehe…dan sangat rindu kemeriahan apabila 8 keluarga besar berkumpul di pagi raya dengan 8 tema warna baju raya dan 8 lauk raya masing2 dan makan ramai2 pastu konvoi serang umah sedara mara…heheheh…kat Ipoh takde semua tu….
I will start working on 23rd September which is the forth day of raya because after the HR girl said I only have 1 day annual leave left and I use it on the 18th, next Friday. Normally I would just take the whole week off, emmmm what to do? OR I can just take MC for 3 days,muahahaha….after all, I’m leaving the company…apehal nak buat baik sangat pon…wakakaka..
Note: During the awful phone interview, the lady also asked me if I’m good English writing. I was being honest by saying “to be honest I’m not really good at writing”. Baik kan aku, I can just said that I’m good but what if she want me to write something on a real interview and I’m writing like what I’m writing in this blog, which are pathetic English. Then I would look like an awful lovely liar,hehehe… and because of that people, I’m motivating myself to start writing in English again even though my English is bad, I’m practicing here..hehehe…sorry if it’s driving you crazy.
Ok la, aku nak g jalan TAR beli manik….Chau cin cau…
p/s: mamat sebelah aku ni kalau cakap kat phone kuat gila, bingit telinga aku…heheheh( bulan pose tak baik mengumpat la pompuan oii)
Lets talk about P.S. I Love You

To me the movie is still good, with the famous actors and great view of Ireland BUT to me the Novel is much better then the movie, it is more touching, funnier and more interesting but then again, if they really want to follow the whole story exactly from the book, the movie could be as long as five hours..Hehehe... Oh, by the way, I think Lisa Kudrow is ultimately the best person to play Denise character because Denise is really2 like her. Kudos to the movie maker for that. Conclusions: I absolutely recommend this book to all.
P/S: Currently I’m reading Confession of a shopaholic. Baru bace sikit dah ade banyak beza dah, tapi rasenye buku ni best jugak.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Lets layan dak Iman jalan-jalan
Monday, September 7, 2009
Lets cook spagetti campak-campak for berbuka
Nak resepi ke? aku campak2 je, tapi lebih kurang cam berikut lah yek:
Bahan-bahan : ( untuk 2 orang makan)
spagetti secukupnya ( aku pakai angel hair sebab dia halus, so dan cepat lembut)
3 biji tomato merah - dipotong dadu
15cm carrot - potong dadu halus2
15cm batang celery - didadu halus2
sebiji bawang besar - didadu halus2
Sebiji bawang putih - didadu halus2
1 sudu kecil mix herbs or italian herbs
ayam dan sausage didadu ( boleh diganti dengan udang/ sotong/ sardin dan ape2)
1 sudu besar jus lemon
olive oil secukupnye
Cili padi secukupnya ( untuk orang2 tekak melayu cam aku..hehe)
garam secukup rasa
1. Panas kan olive oil, bila dah agak panas masukkan ayam dan sausage.
2. bila dah agak2 separuh masak masukkan pula bawang besar, bawang putih dan cili padi.
3. Bila bawang dah agak layu masukkan tomato, celery, carrot dan masakkan atas api perlahan sampai semua bahan tu lembut dan jadi cam berkuah-kuah pekat gitu.
4. Bila dah pekat masukkan herbs dan lemon jus. Gaul sebati.
5. Akhir sekali masukkan garam secekeup rasa, tapi since bulan pose tak boleh nak rase, agak2 je lah.
6. Dah siap dan boleh lah dicurah keatas spagetti yang dah siap dicedok lam pinggan.
Sayur plak, aku rebuskan carrot ngan brokoli tu sampai lembut, pastu aku tos. Pastu aku goreng plak dalam kuali dengan butter, salt and pepper. Siap..kan aku dah kata, main campak2 je..hehehe
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Lets joint my excitement because my Iman is walking now...
Alalala, tomeynye budak tecik ni....
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Lets 'jalan-jalan' around KLCC before supper
Since malam tu langit sgt cerah, takde awan mendung cam selalu, KLCC nampak cam cantik sgt,lantas aku tiba2 feeling2 photographer dan snap gambo KLCC selagi mau. Laki aku plak naik syok melayan aku nye feeling, so ini lah hasilnye....
ade pokok besar sudah halang itu kembar punye separuh badan daaa.....
jahat tak kalau aku rase cam nak alih je bangunan Maxis tu...hehehe
Menu kami malam tu, Tom yam campur ( faveret aku tu), Daging merah, nasi dan teh ais. Sebenarnye ade lagi satu, Ikan masak pedas tapi lambat skit sampai dan aku tak tahan nak tunggu Ikan tu untuk di snap gambonye sebab aku dah laparrr, so tak buang mase terus makan laju-laju...hehehe
Budak kecik tak reti dok diam, nak makan jugak cam orang besor...
Pas makan tu kitorang g pulak McDonald drive thru kat LDP, nak beli ais krim je, tapi que punye lah panjang, agaknye malam tu semua orang mengidam nak makan McDonald, aku rase staff McDonald tu pon tak prepare customer nak dtg reramai gile, service slow gila. Tapi kitorang setia jugak ni beratur. Well, its friday pon, esok bukan keje, takde ape nak kejo pon. Agak2 aku dah mengantuk tahap tak tahan, aku tido je la, bukan aku yg drive pon...muahahaha...End up sampai rumah kul 11 malam....arrgghhhh nak tido nak tidoooo...
ok la...Ta-ta....
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Lets cook murtabak for berbuka puasa...
Bahan-bahan ( 6 keping )
100 g daging cincang
2 biji ubi kentang
1 sudu setengah rempah kari
1/2 biji bawang besar
1 ulas bawang putih
daun sup
1 sudu kecil garam dan secubit ajinomoto
kulit popia
2 biji telur
1. mula2 buat inti utk murtabak. caranya ialah bawang besar dan bawang putih di potong dadu. tumiskan bawang.
2. apabila bawang sudah layu, masukkan rempah kari yang telah dibancuh dgn air. goreng sehingga pecah minyak. kemudian masukkan daging cincang.
3. apabila daging masak, masukkan kentang yang dipotong dadu.masukkan garam dan ajinomoto. jika terlalu kering, tambahkan air. masak sehingga kentang empuk. akhir sekali masukkan daun sup.
4. pukul telur di dalam mangkuk. masukkan inti tersebut ke dalam telur. kacau sehingga sebati.
5. ambil kulit popia dan bungkus inti murtabak segiempat. cara bungkus murtabak sama seperti bungkus popia.
6. goreng murtabak dgn api yg perlahan dan sedikit minyak.
Note: Aku pakai 2 lapis kulit popia untuk setiap satu, sebab kalau sekeping dia nipis sangat, senang koyak...
p/s: untuk orang2 diperantauan kalau teringin nak makan murtabak tapi susah nak jumpa boleh la try resepi ni..hehe
Lets listen to KerisPatih
KerisPatih – Tapi Bukan Aku *courtesy of LirikLaguIndonesia.net*
jangan lagi kau sesali keputusanku
ku tak ingin kau semakin kan terluka
tak ingin ku paksakan cinta ini
meski tiada sanggup untuk kau terima
aku memang manusia paling berdosa
khianati rasa demi keinginan semu
lebih baik jangan mencintaiku aku dan semua hatiku
karena takkan pernah kau temui, cinta sejati
reff:berakhirlah sudah semua kisah ini
dan jangan kau tangisi lagi
sekalipun aku takkan pernah mencoba kembali padamu
sejuta kata maaf terasa kan percuma
sebab rasa ku tlah mati untuk menyadarinya
semoga saja kan kau dapati
hati yg tulus mencintaimu
tapi bukan aku
repeat reff
p/s: Lagu Bintang Di syurga by Peter Pan pon aku sgt suka dan boleh dengar banyak2 kali tak boring2...hehehe