Friday, December 19, 2008

Let’s talk about sarcasm

If you are skinny and you’ve always been skinny then you probably never encounter this problem in your life. But if you are pretty plump (nicer word for fat) and you are trying to lose weight, I bet you’ve came across some people who are very insensitive to just give their comments without thinking of how you might have feel. I know I’ve heard a lot of those very piercing statement such as:

As I was making a list of the food I’ve eaten,
“You’re so vain la, always doing this, nak makan ape2 makan je la”, and I replied “biar la, orang lain tak nak buat, biar I buat”.

As I was eating my salad in the office,
“Wahhhhhhh, you very healthy arrrr” loudly with some nasty laugh.

While I’m eating bread few hours after lunch,
“Waahhh, you hungry ah” again loudly while laughing. FYI I have to eat small meal every 2 hours.

While I was weighting my pasta on the food scale,
“ Poyonye, bende macam tu pon nak timbang2”

As I enter the office trying to catch my breath because I just walk all the way from klcc,
“That is a good exercise for you la”

Those people might not meant to insult me but to me, a fat women trying hard to lose weight and always feel like people are looking at my tummy and they think I’m pregnant, I’m very vulnerable to those comment. And in case anyone of you who read this has made that kind of comment intentionally or unintentionally to someone you know, please remember this, fat people do have huge body but they have very tiny self esteem. So please don’t judge them. Because it’s hard enough that they have to live with a fat body, they can’t wear pretty clothes, they can’t wear high heels without torturing their feet, they can’t eat without being judge, people think they are lazy, people don’t wanna be like them because they think that fat people are ugly, they themselves think that they are always ugly, they get tired very easily, they struggle to be thinner, they cant eat chocolate and they always have to wear black outfit, they don’t need another unfriendly comment in their life. They already feel low without your comment, please don’t smack their pride to the ground. So please mind your own business.


Norazirawati said...

aku faham perasaan ko......... aku pun benci betul org yg suka nk komen apa aku mkn..suka hati aku la nk mkn protein ke daun ke rumput ke klorofil ke!ada aku suruh korg byr ke?? pastu siap ada yg buat statement 'tgk la..berapa lama dia bole thn diet mcm tu..' ek eleh..mind ur fu****ng own biznes biatchhh!!! so bf ku... to hell to those kepoci people!!!!!! teruskn usaha murni diet mu itu!! aku sentiasa menyokong!!!!!!!

MK said...

go go eyda!!! lantak le derang nk kata apa. ko bukan mintak duit derang pun. i feel u actually..sbb i've been there kan... so..cheer up!!!

eyda said...

thanks girls...korang are so understanding...actually aku sekarang memang buat pekak jek...malas nak layan dah...