Because of this:
I just watched the confession of a shopaholic last week (I know, lambat gila aku baru tengok, cerita dah basi dah) and I have to admit that I just can’t get my eyes of that orange bag that Rebecca Bloomwood was carrying when she went for that interview with that handsome boss. Although she looks so cute with her so colorful outfit which I know that never in my life that I will ever wear so much color at a time like that but that orange corporate-look bag just seems so appropriate and so cute and really make her look interview-like at the time despite her colorful outfit that doesn’t look corporate at all. That’s why when I see that brown corporate-look bag at east India I felt so tempted to buy one for my self even though all this while I never bother to buy bags like that, I mean it’s just look so serious and only suitable to carry to office which is not suitable for someone like me because I normally prefer to buy a bag that should look appropriate to bring to anywhere a.k.a one-for-all occasion bag…save cost…hehehe
Talking about the movie, of course I love it, so much color and beautiful designer items (that I can never afford) and pretty skinny women (that I always envy) and Isla Fisher is so cute and funny and really suitable for that character. But the story line, I think it’s a bit too fast, I mean she wrote one article and straight away become so famous, that’s just too short cut. I’m sure the storyline is more details in the novel but for this movie I guess they just want to make it short and straight to the point. Plus, I think her character is just too clumsy and there was a time when I think she just look stupid. But overall I still like the movie and definitely will watch it again.
y on earth is isla with borat?.. sgt tak seswei tau, hehe
ko baca tk buku2 dia? aku ada sumer yg aku dh ulang baca berjuta kali.. aku tunggu lama bila la dorg nk wat movie shopaholic..pastu end up kachiwa dgn cerita nya... spt biasa hollywood suka ubah original story kt novel.. dlm novel dia bkn bercinta dgn boss..then byk la lain.. maybe citer novel pjg n byk sgt character so dorg nk pendek kan.. jd la movie ini.. nnti ko dtg umah aku sila la pinjam kesemua novel2 ini yek.. owh.. btw, becky ni mmg clumsy.. kalo ko baca novel lg geram dgn ke'clumsy'an dia
kak dalia: the husband tu bila dia as sacha cohan sgt la macho, tapi bila dia in character as borat, sgt la geli aku tgk..hehehe..tapi dia kaya okes...
Zira: dia memang clumsy ke? patut la, sometimes dah macam org bangang pun ade..wakakaka...patutnya movie2 yg diambil dari novel ni kene dipanjangkan jadi 3jam, baru leh cerita banyak skit, takde main short cut sgt kan kan kan...
My only criticism about the film is that it wasn't British like the novel.
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