Friday, November 28, 2008

Lets talk about my growing son

In another 3 days Iman will be 4 months old. Kejap ke? actually aku rase lama, sebab aku selalu rase tak sabar nak tunggu dia besar, tak sabar nak tunggu dia pandai merangkak, jalan, tepuk2 tangan, berlari, bercakap mesti lagi best kan, sape ade anak tau la, sape yg takde anak cepat2 la beranak, tak menyesal punye......

Mari kita lihat Iman membesar, banyak beza tak?

1 month+, sekali sekala dia senyum acah2, tapi tu pon mama&ayah dah excited gile..kehkeh

2 month+, dah pandai senyum lebar, ketawa sikit2, gelak sakan2 lom lagi..

3 month+, dah pandai menyiarap n hisap tangan, hisap kaki lom lagi..hehe

Banyak beza tak?..entah la, aku dengan dia tiap2 hari aku rase takde banyak beza sgt tapi baju2 dah makin muat2.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Lets talk about skinny-T

Nop, skinny-T is not my new nick name coz obviously i'm not skinny, but its one of Sony cybershot series, DSC-T77 @ skinny-T because it's sooooooo skinny and i'm officially "jatuh cinta tahap gaban" with this camera. The retail price is RM1299, and how i wish i have that much money to spare on something that i WANT but dont really NEED. But it's is so damn beautiful isnt it especially the one in pink. Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkk.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Lets talk about my last trip to PD

Ini la dia trip yg ala2 controversi yg dah tak contraversi lagi dah, since boss aku pon tak tanye2 ( i bet after this kalau aku nak mintak cuti lagi issue ni akan naik balik). Anyway the trip was great fun. Aktiviti tetap dan yg dinanti2 kan oleh semua orang adalah makan, buffet for breakfast, lunch and dinner, so kitorang pon asyik makan je la keje nye sampai lebam,muahaha. Ade sorang anak kawan husband i cakap " belum sempat lapar dah makan lagi?"..kehkeh.. tapi aku tak makan sangat, makan sikit2 lah tu kan..

Gambar ni macam gambar kat brochour kan, sebenarnye diambil oleh my husband's colleague menggunakan DSLR sony siri yg mane aku tak tau, yg aku tau cam nak nangis aku tengok camera dia, jeles gilossss....

Tengah makan2 tiba2 anak aku dikidnap oleh encik ini...bukan main sedap lagi dia hisap jariii...
Ade jugak la aktiviti2 lain, diorang main pingpong, bola tampar, swimming kat pool yg besar tu and hari ke-2 ade sukanekyg sangat riuh rendah..hehe (by the way, aku tengah cube meng'upload' gambar ni tapi sangat la lambatnye, geram nih, aku dah la nak cepat,arrgghhhhh)

Mane aku? aku tak main, aku teman Iman tido kat bilik, Iman bila dapat bilik aircond dia terus tido tak hengat..
Mane aku?..tu ha kat hujung tu dengan Iman yg tengah dok dalam stroller oren...nampak tak? Aku saje je taknak bg gambar dekat2 sebab aku tengok gambar aku tu sedih, gemuk douh, lalu aku tiba2 menjadi low self esteem gitu..
ok la yek..tiba2 aku jadi takde mood plak nak cerita lebih2 sebab internet ni slow nak mampus...tata

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Lets talk about new books

I bought 2 more little black dress novel today. He Loves Lucy and Hex and the single girl. Here are the synopsis:

Most women would KILL to have round the clock access to personal trainer/demi-god Theo Redmond. But Lucy Cunningham’s starting to wish she’d never laid eyes on him!

When marketing exec Lucy pitched the idea of reality TV show in which Theo took a ‘fitness-challenged’ women, and turned her from flabby to fabulous, she wasn’t planning on being a star. But then, she reasons, she could stand to loose a few pounds, only not with the whole of Miami and gorgeous Theo watching. But then again for every pound she loses she gains big bucks….

As Lucy sweats her way into a whole new life, things start to heat up between her and Theo. But what can a chocoholic and gym bunny possibly have in common? Or could Lucy and Theo be about to discover that appearances can be deceptive – and true love lies somewhere between pizza and Pilates?
Note: Lucy is trying to loose weight, and so do i..

Comment: I've finished this book, and it doesnt really impress me, a bit disapointed with Theo's character coz at the begining he's like a perfect guy, hensome, athletic, good hearted and all but once he feel for Lucy he suddently became sex maniac, sex is all he's thinking when he sees Lucy. so pathetic. But the ending is somewhat fair.

Do you think that access to magical powers would help your love life? Who doesn’t?

Which is where good witch Emma Hutch comes in. By day, she’s just your average, stylish girl about town…
By Night, she puts her witchy ways to the best possible use, casting spells to match Manhattan ladies to the men of their dreams – for a small fee of course.

In fact, she’s so good at her jobs that business is booming. The only snag is her own love life, witch is distinctly lacking in sparkle. But when Emma is hired to match the city’s most eligible bachelor with and evil scheming socialite, suddenly her supernatural work ethic is put to the test. And just maybe it’s time to break the rules and turn a little magic onto her self.

Note: Doesn’t that synopsis sound undeniably and magically interesting which is why I have to have this book.

So, I’ll start with “I love Lucy” first because that one is closer to my heart, duhh…its about a fat women trying to be skinnyyy…and once I’m finish these books I’ll give my comments ok…oh, by the way, I think I forget to mention that this books only cost RM19.90 each which is why I can afford to buy 3 of these book in a month, because they are cheep plus they are not so thick either which makes it even better coz I’m not into thick books, I’ll get bored just to look at it and I don’t want to risk buying one and end up finding that the story are bore to death.

Lets talk about toothbrush

This morning, in the car on our way to the office :

Eyda: Yang, berus gigi bulat yang pakai bateri tu mahal tak?
Suaminya: Mahal jugak.
Eyda: Tapi kene selalu tukar ke macam berus gigi biase?
Suaminya: Tukar kepale dia je la.
Eyda: Ooooo.tak yah la tukar the whole thing eh?
Suaminya: Berus gigi tu memang bagus pon.
Eyda: Tu la, haritu saye tengok kat TV, Dr gigi tu kate kita kene berus gigi buat cam bulatan kecil kat semua gigi kita, kalau pakai berus biase susah la buat camtu, berus kepale bulat tu senang la (sambil buat gaya pakai berus gigi kepale bulat tu.hehehe)
Eyda: Yang, nanti birthday saye awak belikan berus gigi tu eh.
Suaminya pandang sinis sikit, sikit je.
Eyda: Ala, birthday saye lame lagi.
Suaminya: Awak la belikan untuk saye.
Eyda: Awak la.
Suaminya: Camni, saye belikan untuk awak, pastu awak belikan untuk saye, same la macam kita beli sendiri je,hehehe.
Eyda: Kita beli la brand lain2.
Suaminya: mane boleh, kene la beli same.

lepas tu dua2 diam. Sebenarnye dua2 kedekut.hehehehe

Lets talk about our last trip to One Utama

Memandangkan aku tak sempat lagi memuat turun gambar2 baru, kita tengok gambar lame je lah yek. Takde la lame sangat pon, pertengahan raye haritu, saje jalan2 bawak iman n nak beli something untuk dia.

Iman dalam stroller orennye, cam mengantuk je budak ni. Tak sejuk ke kaki Iman tu?

Lepas makan g jalan2 tengok2 barang baby kat jusco n belikan iman blanket tu,terus wrap kaki dia. Kesian dia sejuk, mama pulak boleh lupa bawakkan blanket. Stop jap, Iman nak susu.

Dah dapat susu baru la dia happy.

Lepas tu g Parkson pulak, nak beli wedding gift. Sempat pose2 jugak tu, hehe.

Dah balik. Ni la dia barang yg kitorang nak beli. Bouncer untuk Iman.Kagum dia tengok bola tergantung tu.hehe.

Mase beli tu umur Iman dah 2 bulan lebih. Konon2 beli bouncer tu sebab dia suka sgt duduk, so letak kat situ boleh la dia bersandar macam tu. Sekali kan, pakai kejap je dia dah tak nak duduk dalam tu dah, umur dia 3 bulan lebih dia dah start mengiring nak menyiarap, so tak boleh la bg duduk dalam bouncer sebab dia nak mengiring dalam tu sampai nak terjatuh. Moral of the story, kalau nak beli bouncer untuk baby anda belilah semase dia masih bayi ye adik-adik.

Sekarang Iman dah pandai menyiarap dah, asyik berguling2 je dia, tido pon dah makin lasak. Anak mama dah besar.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Lets talk about ultramen cum polis trafik

Once apon a time, about a month ago, on a weekend, suddently my son sleep like this:

lama jugak tangan dia stay macam tu, tak tau la dia tengah mimpi ke, tak pon dia mengantuk sgt sampai tak sedar tangan dia terangkat ala2 ultramen camtu. Dengan sarung tgn putih tu, macam polis trafic pon ade. Lame tak lame, banyak jugak la gambar yg aku ngan suami aku snap. Kitorang mula2 biar je la ingatkan tak lame nanti dia turunkan la tangan dia tu, tengok2 tak turun2 jugak, pastu aku turunkan la.....hehehehe

Lets talk about my husband's suggestion

So, jumaat lepas, time balik keje, lepas suami aku amik aku kat Maybank Bangsar kitorang ternampak sorang kakak ni, berbaju kebaya hitam n betudung pink tengah berjalan balik keje. Aku tak kenal pon akak tu, tapi ade sesuatu yg menarik perhatian sikit. Akak tu punye kat bahagian tangan tu jarang gila, baju dia lace tapi kat tangan tu takde lining. so, sebab baju dia hitam, tangan dia pulak putih kan, nampak jelas la kontranye, dan obvious sgt la jarangnye baju tu. Laki aku pon nampak n terus start cakap pasal perempuan sekarang yg bertudung tapi pakai baju yang kadang2 tak SESUAI. Siap dia keluarkan buku ni, masjid bangsar kadang2 mase semayang jumaat diorang bagi satu buku ceramah n kebetulan haritu artikalnye pasal menutup aurat.

Antara yg disentuh pasal bertudung tapi pakai baju t-shirt lengan pendek n ketat macam baju adik, pakai baju jarang, pakai tudung tapi leher baju besar n nampak dada, pakai kain paras betis, pakai baju sendat menampakkan bentuk tubuh.

Lepas dia baca semua tu tiba2 dia cakap " bila agaknye awak nak pakai jubah, tak semstinye warna hitam, warna ape2 pon takpe la janji jubah"..ALAMAK, nak kene pakai jubah ke. aku terkesima sekejap. Sanggup ke aku pakai jubah?..sekarang ni memang la aku dah bertudung (sape yg tak tau, lepas kawin tahun lepas aku terus bertudung), tapi baju aku takde la proper sgt kadang2.Takde la baju aku jarang ke, t-shirt lengan pendek ke, cuma kadang2 tu ade la jugak baju aku yg lengannye 3/4, pastu baju2 ala2 stretchable n ngam2 badan, hehe. Macam orang2 lain jugak, aku nak bertudung and at the same time aku nak jugak berfesyen. So bila memikirkan jubah je yang terus aku terpikir jubah2 yg mak aku pakai tu, yang cutting tak menarik n color apetah lagi..jahil tak aku cakap macam ni.

Tapi semalam mase jalan2 kat midvaly aku nampak ade beberapa kedai yg jual dress bunga2 yg labuh loose with long sleeves. Cantik jugak kalau macam tu. Jadi kesimpulan aku nak pakai jubah boleh je, satu hari nanti la, tapi yg pastinye bukan jenis jubah2 yg macam mak2 pakai tu la, karang aku jadi tak ikhlas pulak, kalau ade rezeki nanti aku beli kain aku suka pastu tempah la buat jubah2 yg ade fesyen2 sikit n berwarna warni. insyaallah...(bila la agaknye tu, aku dah la duit cukup2 je sekarang ni, kehkehkeh)

Cantik gak ikin ni berjubah kan.

Friday, November 21, 2008

lets talk about my favorite movie and book

OK, since everybody else in the office are breaking the internet rules then so will i, muahaha. So lets talk about another favorite movie of mine, The Devils Wear Prada.

Aku suka sgt movie ni and i've watch it many times, possibly more than 10 times, the first time is on cinema at GSC midvally a few years back and the rest on dvd. not only that i love the storyline because it's funny, most importainly i love the shoes, the bags, the belts, the boots, the necklace, the fashions in it. I even like to watch all those skinny pretty womens, adore and envy them, in a way it motivate me to be skinny again because who dont want to look like them right.

Interestingly, although meryl streep are great in this film and anne hathaway are funny, it's not their characters that attracts me, its the first assistant, emily witch in real world are also name emily, emily blunt. The way she's being sarcastics and pain in the ass are really hilarious to me, i really like watching her in this movie more then anyone else. Does that mean i like sarcastic peoples, nop, only likes them in films. Do you know who she is dating, michael buble'.

I know that this film are based on a novel, always thinking of buying it but never did, so last tuesday i went to borders times square to buy the novel (you know la, without internet in the office i feel like sleeping the whole day, gila boring) but then i came across this novel by little black dress, my favorite publisher, and the story are pretty much the same as the devil wears prada and i bought it instead because it's cheaper.hehehe. Plus i've bought quite a few books from little black dress series and i only dislike one of it, the rest are great, so i think this book are gonna bee great to. Well i've read almost half of it so far(i read it in the office during my free time witch is a lot lately) and it's funny as always. All of their novels are kinda chicky, funny story with a pinch of sex to make it interesting, not the hot n steamy kind of sex though, the very funny n sweet part of sex. Try and read one of these novel, you'll know. So, right now i'm reading this book:


Memoirs are Made of This

How to get ahead in journalism:
1. Take a job as a PA to a glamorous writer, like Susanna Hyde, author of the wildly popular sex column Nothing to Hyde
2. Spend your days running errands, and delivering ‘you’ve been dumped’ messages to ex-lovers who are yesterday’s news. Realise life in Manhattan is not as glamorous as you expected
3. But when the boss asks you to cover her column, do not, repeat not, prove to be better at writing about sex than she is…
4. And when one day you accidentally hit it off a little too well with Susanna’s latest ex-toy-boy, sexy writer Josh O’Connell, keep this information very secret from her…

Note: i've just finish reading the book and it's so fantastic, i feel like i want to write a memoir of my own. Well, now that i've finish with this book faster then i've expected (i thought it will last about a month but i can't stop reading it) now i have to buy my self another book to read or should i say another little black dress.

Lets talk about this tag from Mak Kintan

Disebabkan aku takde idea ape nak karang harini maka dengan pantasnya aku menjawab TAG ini, almaklumlah, kata limit usage of internet is 1 hour per day only...pantasssss

1. do u think u are HOT?
I do,once, but not anymore....sekarang tengah gemuk la beb.

2. upload a fav pic of you

3. why do u like this picture?
Sebab mase tu hari raya pertama kat Ipoh with iman, plus back ground hijau tu macam cantik.

4. when was the last time u ate pizza?
Baru lagi, last wednesday at Pizza Hut Bangsar...aku memang suka makan Pizza n laki aku suka layan aku makan Pizza (sorry zira, aku TERmakan pizza pulak..kehkehkeh)

5. the last song u listen too?
Dalam kereta tadi dengar lagu Rahimah Rahim "matanya lirik-lirik selalu,rupanya manis- manis ayu"korang tau ke lagu tu.....lagu lama da

6. what are u doing right now besides this
Reading other blogs....kene pantassss

7. what name u prefer besides yours?
Banyak....antaranya Khaira...ala2 kalau ade anak pompuan pasni tu la nama dia...kehkeh...beranan gitu.

8. people to tag (alamak, sape nak diTag nih)
4.Ninie ahmad (cewah, macam dia baca blog aku)
5.Zira (friendster ade blog kan, so Tag di sane k beb)

9. who is no.1
Ex-housemate aku mase kat vista

10. no.3 is having relationship with?
Setahu aku doktor gitu..kalau dah tukar lain tak tau la plak..

11. say something about no.5
My best friend forever

12. how about no.4?
Dia ni yoga instructor...tapi dia tak kenal aku, aku je yg suka baca blog dia, gambar lawa2 siot..

13. who is no.2
Kawan aku yg dah abis belajar tapi taknak balik mesia, terus je keje kat aussie tu ha....

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Lets talk about freaking doughnuts

Yes, starting form yesterday onwards i'm now officially scared to eat a doughnut. Why? Because of an email and this info:

gambar diambil dari
Doughnuts are cancer-causing double trouble. First, they are made with white flour, sugar, and hydrogenated oils, then fried at high temperatures. Doughnuts may be the worst food you can possibly eat to raise your risk of cancer.
So, no more J.Co, Big Apple, Dunkin Doughnuts for me (i use to ate a box of 3 pieces of J.Co doughnut for lunch AND i also once shared a dozen of Big Apple doughnuts with my husband). Maybe i'll treat my self with a doughtnut once a month but not and will not have them as much as i use to be ( especially during my last pregnancy where i craved for them almost everyday and dragged my big tummy to pavilion to buy them).
Tak Nak cancerrrrrr....scary kan!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Lets talk about my office's new rule

Starting from now on, staff can only use internet for one hour per day in my office. Mengarut kan. So starting from today onwards, bermulalah hari2 aku yg lebih boring di office yg memang dah sedia boring cam harun ni. As for this new blog of mine, u may see me update it if i have more time(because lately i spend more time using internet to find new jobs and career). But one thing for sure, i will visit my blog everyday, sebab tengah excited blogging sebenarnye. potong betul la kan rules2 tak best macam ni. Well, rules are made to be broken, so we'll see how long this new so called restriction can stand.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Lets talk about a cute candid moment

E'eleh,nak amik gambar Iman lg la tu

Pampers dah berat la mama

Ni nak marah ni, nak amik gambar Iman tapi pampers tak nak tukar

arrgghh, tak kuasa la nak layan mama, tido lagi best.

Lets talk about the kanchong irony

Hari ni boss kanchong aku tu on leave rupa2 nye. Dia g mane? dia pegi interview daa..hahaha..
lom sempat aku nak apply keje lain tengok2 dia dah g interview dulu. Rupa2nye bukan aku je tak suke keje ngan dia, dia pon tak suka keje kat company ni. Aku doakan biar la dia dapat keje tu and tinggalkan kitorang kat company ni ngan aman, amin.

Lets talk about the kanchong lady

Who's the kanchong lady? My boss.My very kanchong boss. Arrrrrgghhhh....aku geram gile ngan pompuan tu.

Here the details:

My husband's company plan a trip to PD, 3 days 2 night, from last friday till yesterday. Dah tentu la aku nak ikut kan, nak g bercuti. So aku dah apply cuti dah seminggu awal and boss aku pon dah aware of it because right after i submit the application she came to my desk and ask " you want to take leave ah, you already take so many unpaid leave la i dont think you can take some more" and i replied " but i already ask HR and they said that i can take the leave as long as my superior approve it" she said " oo like that ah, ok i ask HR". Nak tanye HR g la, tak percaya cakap aku la tu ingat aku tipu ke, please.

For your information, I just came back to work beginning of this month because after two month of maternity leave i continued to take another month of leave to take care of my son ( tak jumpa baby sitter lagi). So aku dah habiskan semua annual leave aku pastu amik unpaid leave pulak. So sekarang ni kalau nak cuti aku kene amik unpaid leave la. Aku tak kesah la sebab tolak dari gaji aku pon, bukan gaji orang lain, bukan tolak gaji nenek dia pon. Yang aku geram tu apsal dia kanchong plak pasal aku nak amik cuti, macam la sekarang ni office ni tengah busy nak mampus sampai tak cukup tangan, kalau busy dah tentu la aku takde mase nak blogging2 ni semua, ini siap aku bleh tiba2 jadi blogger terjun lagi. Hampeh betul.

So a week went by and she still have not approve my leave. So kalau dia tak approve aku nak kene cancel ke g PD, pastu potong gaji laki aku sebab company dia dah book bilik. Jangan harap la. So jumaat lepas aku g je la PD and semalam baru balik ( will write about this soon).

Pagi ni aku masuk office minah sebelah aku ni cakap friday tu boss aku tanye mana aku, diorang cakap la aku on leave, pastu dia bising dia tak approve kan leave aku lagi. What does she expect, i came on friday and check if she approve my leave? I applied a week earlier la, kalau ko tak bagi ko reject la, kalau ko bagi ko approve, tapi dia buat bodoh je, reject tak approve tak, aku blah je la kan, pastu nak bising. S**l betol kan. Hello, it's unpaid leave anyway, just deduct it from my pay la.

Boss aku ni memang cam tu, before this kalau aku nak apply annual leave pon camni gak, especially kalau mase aku apply tu orang lain pon apply jugak, mula la dia nak suruh aku cancel leave aku. Tapi so far aku buat degil la. Ade sekali tu dia tak bg aku amik leave sebab ramai sangat yg amik(padahal aku dah apply sebulan awal ye kawan2, sedangkan org lain baru je apply), dia bising2 kat aku macam mane ni ramai sgt yg nak cuti,g la bising kat orang lain. Aku hangin la kan,walau pun aku takde plan ape pon mase tu, saje je nak amik cuti and sambung weekend, nak rehat2 je, tapi sebab dia buat perangai bias ( tau la aku sorang je melayu dalam office tu) aku jadi geram gile. Nak tunjuk protes aku hantar leave application untuk setahun, segala cuti raye, cuti chrismas, cuti deepavali, raya haji, new year semua aku apply serentak.hahahahaha...lepas tu terus je dia approve leave aku.Puas hati aku.

Aku sebenarnye tak kesah je keje kat company ni walau pun hakikatnye gaji aku kecik payah nak naik (seriously, memang rendah gile korang), padahal diorang memperguna lesen aku as bumiputra dealer utk cukupkan quota chinese, and aku tak dapat ape2 pon out of it, aku tak kesah, sebab aku selesa keje kat sini.Tapi bila boss aku nak buat taik macam ni mula la mak hangin satu badan nyah. Pompuan ni pon depan aku dia tak nak cakap ape2, belakang aku mula nak bising2. Terus aku nak g apply keje lain kat jobstreet pasni walaupun hakikatnye aku benci gila nak g interview and up2 kan diri sendiri melambung tinggi nak dapatkan keje tu lepas tu bila dah dapat keje tengok2 boss kat company lain pon macam haram jugak, geraaaaaaaammmmm sangat. Macam mane nak buat ni?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Lets talk about a cute transformation

Aku nak tanya sikit ni kat orang yang dah ada baby atau orang yang pernah menyaksikan transformation baby dari berambut kepada botak. Korang rasa pelik tak masa first time tengok baby korang botak. Sebab aku masa tu rasa pelik sangat. Rasa macam budak botak tu bukan anak aku je, sebab aku rase muka dia jadi lain sangat. Tapi lama2 bila aku dah biasa dengan kepala botak dia tu aku tengok muka dia sama je, pshyco kan aku,hehehe. Lagi2 bila aku compare gambar dia before n after the cute transformation. Saaaayang Iman.

Now you see it

Now you dont
hahaha, budak botak tuuuu.muka dia sama je kan cuma makin tembam macam mama,hehehe.Tak kesah la ade rambut terpacak ke, botak cam kojak ke, mama tetap sayang jugak, MUUUUAAAHHHH.

Lets talk about my precious

Yesss....This is one topic that i will be repeating again and again and again in here. Topik yg aku tak akan jemu cerita sampai korang nak muntah baca, tapi jangan la muntah yek, cerita dia sweet2 and comel2 jek, about my little baby that i love soooooooo much. IMAN.

Iman sekarang dah 3 month n 13 days, senang je nak kira umur dia sebab dia lahir 1hb ogos 2008. Betul la kata orang penangan anak sulung ni lain macam sikit sebab aku n suami aku sekarang tengah kemaruk sgt ngan budak kecik ni, buat ape pon ingat dia, setiap kali dia buat aksi baru je cepat2 amik gambar dia, kadang2 dia tak buat ape pon,dia tido je pon kitorang amik gambar dia gak, geram.Sudahnye umur dia baru 3 bulan tapi gambar dia je dah 500 lebih dalam memory card tu.Gambar aku ade banyak tu, memang tak la kan.Larat ke nak cuci kak oi, tak tau la tapi suami aku ade buat gambar2 kecik dia (besar macam book mark) utk simpan dalam wallet.

mase ni Iman baru umur sebulan

Aku dulu berpantang kat kg sampai Iman umur sebulan je, 31st Ogos aku balik la KL sebab kesian pulak laki aku puasa sorang2. So, sejak dia umur 1 bulan aku jaga dia sorang2 kat rumah bila suami aku g keje sampai la sekarang ni aku dah jadi mama Iman yg expert jaga Iman, hehehe. Mase first few days tu susah jugak la sebab dia susah nak tido malam, timing dia lom betol lagi, tu yg kadang2 kul 2 pagi bangun tido nangis nak dukung. Tapi lama2 dah ok dah, sekarang ni Iman tido pukul 9.30malam sampai pagi straight. Paling lambat pon pukul 9 pg dia bangun la nak susu, tapi sejak aku dah start keje ni dia bangun pukul 5.30pg. Nasib aku baik jugak la sebab Iman ni jenis tak menangis bila bangun tido, dia celik2 mata nampak muka mama ngan ayah dia je terus senyum. Baiknye anak mama. Kalau tak satu hal jugak nak bersiap g keje.

Time ni la Iman selalu berjaga malam nak susu. terpacak tak rambut dia? hehehe

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Lets talk about my new blog

Obviously i'm very new to this blogging thing, so i dont really have an idea on how those blogger with great beautiful organized blog create their blog page, but today i do and through the hard way. Satu2 aku cuba, try an error, lama jadi jugak. Bak kata cikgu sekolah masa sekolah rendah dulu, Usaha tangga kejayaan.

Mula2 lagi aku dah pening dah, nak kene create blog name. Lame gak aku menung, nak letak nama aku ke?tapi memandangkan aku memang plan nak cerita pasal ape2 sahaja jadi anything would be the perfect title. Tapi lepas tu kene plak create blog address. This part is even harder because since i'm kinda the last person on earth to have a blog, pretty much most of all the great and catchy words i can think of is taken. Aku terpikir jugak nak letak talktomamaeyda.blogspot, konon2 semangat kemamaan la sangat ni kan, tapi rase bunyi macam kelakar je, macam mama bosan (korang ingat tak mamabosan dalam movie ape tah..hehehe), pastu nak letak talktothehand.blogspot tapi rase cam kurang ajar la pulak, so aku put letak la talktoeyda dah name pon blog aku kan. Tapi pastu aku rase macam tak sesuai jugak sebab bukannye aku ni pakar kaunseling nak orang datang cakap ngan aku, tapi aku redha saje sebab aku dah save dah, aku malas nak tukar lain. Kira aci je la okey.

Bab nak create new post ni aku memang terrer, sebab kate keje aku kat office ni dok depan pc menaip je kan, cuma bab2 nak tambah2 gambar tu mula2 blur sikit tapi pastu aku cuba dengan gigihnye sampai aku berjaya ya kawan2. Cuma sekarang yang aku ala2 blur adalah camane nak tambah gadget yg sesuai kat tepi ni macam followers tu, adakah followers tu sama dengan visitors (aku memang buta IT sikit senah oi, kalau tak harus aku dah lame buat semua bendeallah ni kaedahnye). Jadi aku akan terus la mencuba dan aku harap blogger2 senior macam Mak Kintan dan The yoga instructor tu berbangga la sebab aku jadikan blog korang sebagai reference.

Anyway, aku ni kan budak baru belajar, so kalau salah tolong la tunjukkan ya.

Lets talk about shoes

good morning,

Itu dia, pagi2 lagi dah start menulis blog nih. Pagi ni aku masuk office on time okey, 8.30pg aku dah terpacak kat office ni (selalunye ala2 kul 9 camtu baru aku sampai) tapi bos aku boleh tak ade pulak untuk menyaksikan keajaiban yg jarang berlaku ni. Selalu kalau aku masuk lambat tu ade je dia. Nyampah tau. Jadi kerane bos aku takde make aku pon mengular la buat keje lain( lagi pon time2 market down ni memang tak banyak keje pon,bukannye aku yg malas tau, tolong sket) iaitu buat post baru untuk blog aku yg baru nak hidup ni.

So, jom kite sembang pasal kasut nak tak. Aku kan suke gile kasut dan kerane itu la kasut aku banyak gile kat rumah tu.Dua kabinet kasut kat rumah tu penuh ngan kasut aku je tapi ade la kasut laki aku sikit2 (buat penuh kabinet je kasut dia tu, dah la besar,hehehe). Tapi jgn tertipu sebab kabinet tu takde besar mane pon cik jah, tinggi paras2 peha aku je pastu panjang pon ala2 satu meter gitu (kan selalu beli kain ela kire meter kan, so agak2 la ye). Dulu mase pakai rak kasut je lagi meriah kasut aku sebab rak tu dah bertingkat 3 tapi sejak dah pakai kabinet kasut ni (laki aku suruh tukar, tak kemas pakai rak kasut kate dia,waaaa) make aku pon termakse mereducekan kasut2 aku dan meletgo kasut2 aku yg dah buruk tapi aku sayang nak buang.hehehe.

Jadi kenape di pagi ini aku nak cerita pasal kasut? Sebab harini aku pegi keje pakai kasut tinggi yg setinggi seinci setengah ni (tak tinggi mane pon kan). Takde la terrer mane pon kan tapi sebab sejak aku bersalin ni aku tak pernah pakai kasut tinggi g keje (pernah try pakai g shopping mall tapi betis aku sakit la lame2) disebabkan memikirkan badan aku yg berat ni(we'll talk about that soon), so sebelum ni aku pakai sandle makcik2 saje. Alahai, sandle yg tak tinggi mane, tak cantik mane tapi selesa dipakai tu la(mak aku tengok sandle tu dia kate lawa, sebab dia kan makcik). Jadi harini tetibe aku rase vogue la pulak bila pakai kasut tinggi ni walaupun pada hakikat nye takde la vogue mane pun kan tapi apebila kita rase vogue, tiba2 kita punye confident pon akan mari betul tak. Dan secara tak langsung aku berjalan pon jadi macam orang ala2 rajin g keje walaupun hakikatnye cuma light2 sugi je rajin aku tu senah oi.

Aku sebenarnye gian gile nak pakai kasut tinggi. Time mengandung dah la tak boleh pakai, dah tu ingat bila dah bersalin boleh la kan tapi rupanya haram tak boleh jugak. Sekarang ni rase malas dah nak masuk kedai kasut sebab bila tengok kasut tinggi cantik2 tu tapi aku tak boleh pakai aku ketab bibir gigit jari okey, benci tau. Kalau nak tau kan, kat bawah meja aku ni pon ade kasut tinggi ala2 macam gambar kat atas tu tapi warna hitam dan kasut ni sentiasa standby kat office ni utk aku pakai di mase gian aku datang,hehehe. Aku tak gian dadah ok, aku gian nak melawa sajork. Aku suka kasut macam mane tau, kasut yg macam kat atas tu kalau boleh aku nak lagi 3 color merah, pink,putih boleh gitu. Aku memang suka yg jenis kilat2, ade riben2 yg cute2 tu, ade patern2 bunga2 pon cantik gak tapi tak over sgt la, janji warna dia sama ada hitam,putih,merah,pink,gold,silver. Color lain aku kureng la sikit. Takpe la, satu hari nanti bila aku dah berjaya mengurangkan berat badan yang melampau ni aku akan beli kasut baru sampai aku puas hati. Insyaallah kalau aku berjaya nanti dengan bangganya aku syer kat sini ok.
One more thing, pada sesiapa yg juga peminat kasut macam aku, i'll guaranty that you'll love this movie. I've watch it again and again and again and i even bought the book afterwords. So why dont you give it a try.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

lets talk about the beginning

Here is the beginning of my life as a blogger. I've been thinking about creating my own blog for quite sometimes (sebab aku suke bace blog orang.hari2 ok) but finally today i decided to start it.

Kenape eyda nak jadi blogger?


1. Eyda sebenarnye dah pernah blog kat friendster tapi sejak office dia block friendster dan semua yg sewaktu dgnnye (myspace,facebook dll) dia dah jadi gian plak nak blogging lagi.

2. Eyda sejak akhir2 ni rajin join forum tapi makin lame eyda perasan yg post replynye jadi makin panjang jadi dia rase dari dia memenuhkan page forum tu dengan cerita dia je sampai orang naik jelak (ade ke, chiss) baik dia cerita kat blog sendiri, takde orang marah, dah name pon blog dia, suke hati dia la kalau nak bercerita sampai lupe diri kat mana (office daa).

3. Sebab sejak eyda balik dari cuti bersalin (dia baru lepas bersalin anak sulung, nanti dia cerita ok) ramai pulak kawan2 satu office dia yang dah berhenti keje lagi2 yang melayu (tinggal dia sorang je melayu kat office dia, entah kenape entah). Memandangkan dia dah kurang kawan nak ajak sembang, dia jadi boring gile kat office lalu dia merasakan syok jugak kalau dia mengisi mase lapang dengan blogging (boleh gitu, macam makan gaji buta la plak).

4. Makin banyak blog dia bace makin teruja pulak dia, lebih2 lagi bila dia baca blog yang ditulis dengan baik dan pendapat2 yang dihujah dengan bernas baik dalam bahasa melayu mahupun in english (tiba2 ayat dia jadi skema) sebab eyda pernah jugak bercita2 nak jadi penulis, tapi memikirkan mase SPM dulu BM dia cuma dapat C3, dia melupakan niatnya.Jadi blogger je cukup.

5. Eyda think she have a lot of interesting stories to share with her friends ( because she have interest in a lot of areas, you'll see) but does she really have interesting stories OR she only think she does but she actually does not, we'll see.

As a conclusion of the beginning of this blog, i hope my friends (or anybody who want to read about my story, story about anything) enjoy my writing and my ideas and my stories as much as i enjoy reading theirs.